I used to question whether my online stuff was
actually working..
Because I NEVER used to sell out my courses + offers..
I'd only ever get a client here or there..
But never 100's of people signing up for my free classes
And never steady clients from my posts on IG either.
I’d set a goal for the month and never would actually go for it because I was already predicting I’d fail
(How was I going to call in that number when nobody was even showing up to my lives?)
I’d schedule a free class, create some pretty graphics but deep down worry people wouldn’t be interested
(Everytime I set a goal to get 10 clients, I’d get 1 or 2… and always felt like a failure)
And another month would go by of setting the same goal + not hitting it,
falling back into the cycle wondering what I was missing
scrolling IG + Tik Tok for the missing link..
You know what I mean?
Now, after $20k months, $50k months, and $100k months… this has radically changed.
Not only do I know exactly what to do to call in a new group of clients each month..
I’ve also positioned myself to call in clients organically on a regular tuesday.
And now I want to help you.

Can I just be real + upfront with you?
I don’t want to just create quick results for you over these next few weeks together, I want to radically change the way you look at your business + create your cash flow this month, and next month, and the month after that, and the month after that…
This work we are doing together can change things, if you’re ready for it.
Money Honey
The program you’ve been waiting for. I know you’ve taken amazing programs on your biz journey… and still feel like you aren’t building the full roster of clients you’re looking for, we’re about to change that.
This 4 week program is all about:
+ CLARITY: Stop guessing at what you should be doing inside your business to work with your dream clients
+ MONEY HONEY: Let’s just call it like it is, we all want to know when we make investments it’s to grow our income
+ EASE: Drop the worry around failed launches, sparse program participants
+ SPECIFIC HELP: No fluff, just exactly what you need to know in both strategies and mindset shifts to break through the plateau you’re currently experiencing

What to Expect
+The Format: You'll get access to all of the modules immediately after signing up so, you can dive right in! You'll also receive lifetime access so you can keep coming back.
+LIVE EXPERIENCE: I'll be live every week for the full 4 weeks walking you through exactly what to do that week + work on to call in sales, there'll also be tons of Q+A time with me live to get all of the extra support! You'll get immediate access to the course modules once you buy, and the LIVE call schedule will start in two weeks
+The Lessons: There are 7 important trainings and lessons we’ll be covering along with 3 bonus energy sessions, that’s 10 in depth sessions with me.
+This is an online program, go at your own pace, designed to be, easy to implement in 4 weeks. We walk you through every step of the program inside the course login, you'll get immediate access to all of the downloads. And you can go at your own pace.
+ Each lesson gives you specific actionable steps to take and implement into your business to fully step into your power money honey
+ My goal is to keep things super digestible so you can apply the material right away into your business
+Forever Access: You’ll also receive access to the program after completion through your own course login to binge on the trainings over and over again.
+This is the material I have used with many private clients over the last 3 years that have produced sold out programs, wait lists, 6 figure launches and more. It's the work we still use TODAY (some courses have dated information... this is not the same)
the knowledge
What We're Covering
+ How to set the stage for a consistent flow of clients: there are key strategies that are crucial to nail on the regular inside your business if you’d like clients to land in your DMs on just your average Tuesday afternoon (unprompted, without a sales pitch). We’re covering this in depth
+ Taking your offers from great to irresistible. Your programs become a no brainer for clients at this point, and you become magnetic with your offers because of your
+Fully Booking Your Offers: you deserve to have sold out offers, to feel excited and proud as you’re launching your programs instead of worried and fearful that nobody’s going to show up
+Creating + Growing your monthly income: with the most soul aligned dream clients. (Gone are the days of relying on your offers you don’t truly love but pay the bills.. or your other income streams you use as a crutch- I love you xo)
Plus all this:
Juicy Bonuses
*A guided visualization to help you
with any fears, doubts, worries that are creeping in. You're meant to be here, you deserve to be paid for your work, people are dying to work with you.. say it with me :) (PS- clients RAVE about this visualization)
*A downloadable 30 day guide to walk you through step by step what to post on your social media to hit your sales goals for the month .. over and over again.

Are You Ready?
Money Honey
I see women every day show up online + in their business just enough to not fail…
but definitely not enough to play full out.
You’re the type of woman who wants it all…
I know, because we’re sisters at heart.
Playing full out doesn’t mean you’re going to burn yourself out (you’ll never go back there), or that you need to sacrifice time with the people you love, or that you’ll never be able to watch another episode of your fav show...
Playing full out just means you actually get to see your full potential, you actually get to see what you’re truly made of.
It’s time more people have access to your gifts
It’s time you finally hit that income level you’ve been waiting to toast the champagne too.
Join us here: